Amjambo Africa! multi-lingual non-profit news outlet, earns Media and Democracy Project's Local Journalism Bright Spot Award
Amjambo Africa! was founded by refugees and produces news to help new immigrants, and to help long-time Maine residents understand their new neighbors.
To highlight some of the good things happening in local journalism, The Media and Democracy Project votes at our meetings to award exemplary outlets the Local Journalism Bright Spot Award.
At our December 11, 2023 meeting, we selected Amjambo Africa! In their own words
“Amjambo Africa! is here to help New Mainers thrive and to help Maine welcome and benefit from our new neighbors.
Amjambo Africa! serves as a conduit of information for newcomers as they navigate life in Maine.
Amjambo Africa! includes background articles about Africa so those from Maine can understand why newcomers have arrived here.”
Recent examples of their work include an article on the demand for local produce [published in French, Kinyarwanda, Somali, Spanish, Swahili as well as English], the importance of speaking up against hate and the story of an Afghan family in Maine.
Amjambo Africa! also leads the way for all news outlets by setting standards of ethics, independence and transparency. They are a member of the Institute for Non-Profit News.
As part of the Bright Spot award a donation to Amjambo Africa! was made on behalf of The Media and Democracy Project. We encourage you to do so, as well. They, and many other outlets make their work available for free, but it is of great value and it is costs money to produce. You can see Amjambo Africa’s reporting here and support them here.