This election isn’t about Republicans versus Democrats, or Left versus Right. It’s about Democracy versus Tyranny, and adherence to the Rule of Law versus surrender to Ruthless Dictatorship. Think about this. And vote to save the country we love — for yourselves, for your children and grandchildren, and for generations to come.

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And why so many Americans refuse to see this is beyond comprehension.

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Yes! Thank you. It makes me long for journalists like Walter Cronkite and Edward R. Murrow.

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Can’t tell you how often I’ve had that very thought.

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They worked in a time when the Fairness Doctrine still applied. Thanks to the Reagan administration that died in 1987 giving rise to the Rush Limbaugh's of the world that willingly distort facts for profit and ratings. Regardless of your political leanings history tells us that disinformation, generally known as lying, is a sure recipe for the destruction of a republic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairness_doctrine

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Thank you for this excellent article. I used to teach students from around the world and they were always incredulous about the media coverage in elections. "But what does X think??" they'd always want to know. You have a good organization.

Cheryl S. Oregon

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Thanks, Cheryl. Share it as widely as you can! One of the things I think about all the time is how much news we're NOT getting from our largest national newsrooms.

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Jeff Bezos missed the memo.

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And how. Slip up in our outreach, to be sure. ;)

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All they really need is to be honest. Stop making Trump’s behavior seem normal and not as weird and evil as it truly is.

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